
Enhance manages and operates the majority of Ahlain forecourt convenience stores at the omanoil filling stations across the Sultanate of Oman.
We currently manage over 50 Shops providing around the clock service. These Shops are employing over 300 Omani Nationals providing the highest standards of quality and service.
Enhance has a great success record in the retailing arena since 1969, for operating supermarkets and convenience stores. Enhance joined hands with omanoil (Formerly BP Oman) from 1997 to manage their Quick Shops and has been providing the retail solutions for the same since then.
We work closely with Oman Oil Marketing Co. (OOMCo) to identify the best sites, ensure effective shop openings, promotions and we regularly evaluate areas for improvement with the OOMCo management team.
Enhance retailing expertise is well known for ease of access, availability of all convenient consumer products under one roof and a quality customer service experience. We have an in-house training cell to provide quality customer service training for our staff.